Sunday, April 12, 2009

The tooth fairy cometh!

I finished the tooth fairy doll just in time! Well actually a bit late, but the beast decided that she wanted her to come to our house instead of Papas which made me happy. We sent the fairy an e-mail and stated her wishes. Mikas second tooth came out on Friday on our way to the city to see Papa and some other family. She was acting sleepy and we thought she was asleep when she simply stated "here mommy, my tooth came out" and handed it to me. Goofy girl. We gave her some water and she was happy. Saturday I bought some felt at the quilt shop with my sister Alana and then promptly finished the little basket on Sunday when we got home and hung her up on the bed! Wonder what the tooth fairy will leave tonight?


Alana said...

It's so cute!

Kerri said...

what a cute doll!! i love the idea, my girls would love one too! might have to make one now. :)